
domingo, 11 de agosto de 2019

A origem do termo Queer na comunidade LGBT e a expressão Queer fish

A long time ago I came across an Instagram filter that displayed the word Queer in bright colorful letters. I was confused because that was one of the first times I ever heard of that word.
I soon came to understand that queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender. But what intrigued me most by then was that the term originally means strange or peculiar. How come would a minority group call themselves by such a pejorative term?

In the late 19th century the term started to be used against those with same-sex desires, but ended up being reclaimed by activists as a deliberatively provocative alternative. Isn't that interesting?

Now that you've learnt the etimology of the word, how about a new expression with it? A queer fish does not have any association with the minority group I just mentioned before, but can be used to refer to anyone who's deemed as odd by others. Do you know of a queer fish or consider yourself to be one? Let us know in the comment section down below. Bye bye 

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