
terça-feira, 15 de agosto de 2017

Talking about family

The vocabulary I am proposing today goes beyond the degrees of relatedness (mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, nephew). There is much more to it. Expressions like close-knit family or immediate/extended family for example. Do you know what those mean? Lets get started. 

If in your family the people are always close and look to support each other, you have a close-knit family. Actually that term is used to describe any kind of group that has a supportive attitude, not only blood relatives. As for the immediate family, those are the people that represent your closest relations in the family that usually include a persons parents, spouses, siblings, children. The extended family is everybody that extends beyond the nuclear family, such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. 

If I asked you who you take after in your family, would you know how to answer? I personally think I take after my mother more than my father. That is because I resemble her in appearance. If I thought I only had the same behavior as hers, I could also say I take after my mother. So if you take after an older relative in your family, you are basically saying you look or behave like them. Truth is we all have something in common with everybody in our family. So if you and your family have the habit of talking all the time and too loud for example, you can call it a family trait. Leave us down in the comment section what your family trait is, or maybe something that runs in your family.

But wait, to run in the family? Yes, if many people in the family have the same quality, passion, ability, disease, etc, you can say it runs in the family. For example: A love of the outdoors runs in the family. 

Let us not forget that family is much more than blood. You can have a friend that is not your flesh and blood for example, but is still like a sister to you. On the other hand,. there is a proverb that is used by people who imply that family relationships are always more important than friend, which is: blood is thicker than water. What about you? What side are you on? That is all for today guys. Talk to you next time!

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