
terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2016

como dizer "passar a perna" em Inglês?

I was skeptical at first but finally I decided to make a purchase online. It seemed to be going pretty well and the seller was always very kind and willing to answer all my questions. Then I grabbed my credit card, filled up the form and bought the product. That was all I had to do to completely lose touch with him. He couldn't be reached at any way. The deadline for the delivery expired just as I expected and everybody told me he had pulled a fast one on me. But I had an ace up my sleeve: I contacted my credit card company and asked them to block the vendor from being paid. Simple as that. But wait... Do you know what "to pull a fast one on someone" means?

When you pull a fast one on someone, you deceive or trick them, you succeed in an act of deception. That's a pretty bad thing to do, but we know we're surrounded by people waiting for the first opportunity to take advantage of us. The story I told before was fictional, but I've personally had to take action many times I noticed people trying to pull a fast one on me, especially online. What about you? Do you have any stories about people pulling a fast one on you? Leave them down in the comment section. Talk to you next time!

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