
sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2015

o que significa ser edgy?

I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when I stumbled upon an article entitled "Eminem rapped mockingly about Caitlyn Jenner to remind us all that he's edgy". So as a way to fill you in on what's the background of that story, I have to tell you that Caitlyn Jenner, the one that's been mentioned by the article, is a transgender who's just gone through all transformative journey and now is publicly declared as a woman.

The thing is, Caitlyn Jenner has always had all the spotlight on herself, even before the big fuss about her transformation. As for Eminem, we all know how much of an attitude he has. The article pointed out that since Eminem became a middle-aged father, he's acted out no more as that bad boy of american music he used to be. But despite of all that, he didn't think twice before tackling such a controversial topic, proving that he's still edgy. But wait, what does edgy mean?

Being edgy means to have the kind of attitude that challenges social norms and usually shows great confidence. Have you noticed how edgy rap singers are? They usually go about singing with a confident tone, dressed in expensive clothes and jewelry, and most importantly, not afraid to speak their mind. It's important to say that edgy as the way I'm teaching you here is a slang and therefore shouldn't be used in a formal context. If you look up the meaning of edgy on a formal dictionary, you'll see that it simply means "nervous", as in "David was starting to feel a bit edgy". So now you see that depending on the context the word edgy is, it'll probably have a different meaning. Take care y'all. Bye bye!

Here's the link to the article I mentioned above by the way: http://www.someecards.com/entertainment/music/eminem-caitlyn-jenner-rapped-controversial/

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