
segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013

Phrasal verbs: TO PAL UP

There's a girl living next door you've never talked to. The problem is, both of you are really shy and although you two would like to become friends nobody has had the heart to strike a conversation yet. Talking to another friend though you explain that there finally came a chance for you to become friends with her. She's been hired from the same company you work for. You say:
We will finally have the chance to PAL UP when I start working with her.
O phrasal verb to pall up significa se tornar amigo. Há também alguns outros phrasal verbs formados a partir do verbo PAL. Por exemplo: to pal about/around significa passar tempo com alguém. Lembra muito o tão famoso phrasal verb TO HANG OUT, não é? veja alguns exemplos:
We used to PAL ABOUT when we were at school.
We PALLED AROUND at university.

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