
domingo, 15 de março de 2020

o que significa to have a soft spot?

There's this documentary on Netflix called 100 humans which can be very self explanatory once you find out it's literally about 100 humans on many kinds of social experiments. If you watch the first episode you'll see they are discussing sexual attraction. And among the many tests the humans are put under one of them is about whether or not people in uniforms become more appealing.

What they do to discover that is they slipt the 100 humans into two groups of 50 and have them talk to the same people expect in one of the groups these people wear uniforms. So there's a fast food waiter, a surgeon, a soldier and then a police officer. When that police officer introduces himself to the humans on the social experiments there's something he says that caught my ear: people think I'm tough because of my job but they don't know I have a soft spot for animals.

When you have a soft spot for someone or something, you feel a great deal of affection for them or like them a lot. You can use that expression especially when you fit a stereotype of people who wouldn't normally have an affection for certain things or people. So in the police officer's opinion maybe people wouldn't expect him to have a soft spot for cute animals but he does. Do you have a soft spot for someone or something that people wouldn't expect you to? Let me know in the comment section down below!!!!

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