
quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2019

O que significa to put one's foot in one's mouth?

Here I come again with another post inspired by all the screw-ups committed in Bolsonaro's Brazil misgovernment. It's so many fails I can barely keep up with. The thing is, every time any of the Bolsonaros decide to open their mouth on any controversial topics (which are usually their favorite ones), they end up putting their foot in their mouth.

Wait, what?

As much as I love to think of this particular idiom in a literal way, when Bolsonaro and his troop put their foot in their mouth that means they say something inappropriate or embarrassing. Sometimes by mistake, bust most likely by ignorance.

The last time I heard them put their foot in their mouth was when Bolsonaro's third son tried to justify his dad considering appointing him US ambassador in Washington by stressing how prepared for the endeavor he is: "I did an exchange, I fried hamburgers In the United States", he said.

Isn't that hilarious? Who would have thought that in order to claim the principal diplomatic post in Brazil you would have to excel at hamburger flipping skills? There's not a better example for the idiom. 

Talk to you next time!!!!!

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