
quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2015

comfortable in own skin: o que isso significa?

If somebody asked you if you're comfortable in your own skin, what would you say? Well, before I tell you what that expression means, let me try to get some insight of your own personality and especially the way you present or interact with other people. Are you the kind of person who feels comfortable being yourself and has no kind of identity crisis or anything like that? Then we could say you're comfortable in your own skin.

Imagine you know a middle-aged guy who's always hanging out with young folks. Everybody finds it weird that he doesn't mind being among people that would normally have different interests and ideas, but he displays a relaxed confidence and seems to be enjoying his time with his young friends with no drama at all. Some people say he's just living in denial and is refusing to live his own age, but you don't believe in that theory. You just think he's comfortable in his own skin and couldn't care less for what people think about him.

That's what happens when someone is comfortable is his own skin. They show confidence in a relaxed way, even when their personalities, looks, lifestyles do not live up to what society expects. They just do what makes them happy. Are you like that or know someone comfortable in their own skin? Leave us your stories in the comment section bellow.

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