
quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2013

Talking about bad habits in English

There's no chance you go through life without having a bad habit. They're too many, but today we're basically touching on the most famous ones. Would you be able to talk about your bad habits in English? Let's see.

Nail biting is the first one that comes to mind. Many people gnaw at their fingernails when they're nervous. It's like a feel-good tendecy or a stress reducer, or whatever you may wanna call it. What's important to keep in mind though is that it is not a healthy habit. It can become really difficult to break it if it becomes an obsessive compulsive disorder. That's maybe when professional help should step in. But if you bite your nails and want to quit with willpower alone, you may wanna try to keep your nails short, wearing gloves or maybe coating your nails with bitter nail coatings. It will make you avoid giving in to the habit.

The second bad habit is more commonly found in girls. That's because they're the ones who have longer hair most of the time. The bad habit is twirling hair, or playing with it. When a girl is playing with her hair, it may be a sign of anxiety or nervousness, or even boredom. The thing is, sometimes it can be mistaken as a way of flirting. If you're a girl in public places and you're always twirling your hair, men may think you're flirting with them [when in actuality, you're just bored and want to leave the place]. A way of getting rid of that habit is simply giving your hands some kind of distraction so you won't feel appealed to reach for your hair.

Crocking joints is our third bad habit. I sometimes do it myself, but it is not a vice. It becomes a problem when you're obsessed with it and do it as a way of reducing stress. Have you ever been in a quiet place with someone cracking his knuckles next to you? Some people cringe just at the sound of it, because it is a hideous sound. I'm not sure how one can avoid that habit, but you can simply stretch or massage your joints without actually crecking them.

Those are our first three bad habits. I'll talk about some more on future posts. Stick around!

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