
sexta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2013

Como dizer "a união faz a força" em Inglês? [esta e outras expressões com a palavra strength]

I'm pretty sure you know what strength means. It refers to the state of being strong, be it in psychological or physical meaning. If you've ever been interviewd in English for a job vacancy, you were probably asked the question "what are your strengths and weaknesses?". They expect you to talk about what you're good or bad at, or your bad and good points. If you've been put through such pressure, I'm pretty sure you found a way to stress your virtues and hide your flaws.

But there are some great expressions containing the word strength, like the one in the title. Below you'll find that one and many more:

Union is strength - That's what you say when you're faced with dificulties and have people to work them out with. For example, you have a project to present the next day, but you feel you're not gonna make it on time alone. That's when you have the idea of calling up a friend and ask him for help. He then comes over and helps you through the things you have the hardest time with. You've now joint together and become more powerful than if it was only you working. That's why union is strength. In Portuguese, we say "a união faz a força".

Tower of strength - Take the previous example I gave you. That friend of yours that came over to help you with your project is a tower of strength. That's because he provided you with support and encouragement when you most needed. You could also call him a pillar of strength. Do you have a friend or anyone who's always a tower of strength for you in times of trouble?

On the strength of something - Let's suppose you do have a person in your life who's a tower of strength for you. If he supports you when you're in need, that's the person you should turn to when you wanna ask for advices, right? Let's supppose you're having problems in your relationship and decided to take a break with your boyfriend, but you're not sure if that's the right thing to do. You still love him and don't want things to fall apart that way. That's when your friend steps in and makes you realize how good of a person your boyfriend is, and therefore you should re-think the break-up thing. Some days later, you go back to your friend and say: Thank you. On the strenght of your comment, I decided to give him another chance. What you meant was 'due to your comment, because of the support your comment provided me with', I decided to give him another chance. You could also say 'on the strength of your advice, your wise words,' anything that can work positively.

That's all for now. Take care!

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