
quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2015

Inglês com Youtube: monólogo de Ellen Degeneres

Acima você tem um vídeo com um dos monólogos maravilhosos da comediante e apresentadora Ellen Degeneres. Abaixo, eu listei as palavras e expressões que surgem ao longo do video com as suas devidas traduções. A ideia é que você se familiarize com os termos mais comuns e tente entender o vídeo sem necessariamente a ajuda dum transcript completo. Espero que isso ajude.

to make New Year's resolution: fazer promessas de ano novo. My new year's resolution for this year is to give up smoking; 
to work out: malhar. I think I'm a little overweight. I need to work out;
diet: dieta. Beside working out, if you really want to lose weight, you have to follow a balanced diet;
treadmill: esteira. The treadmill is my favorite exercise equipment;
to do push up: fazer flexão. Our teacher said we should have around 40 push ups;
to walk upstairs: subir escadas. I hate having to walk upstairs.
escalator: escada rolante. Take the elevator down to the lower level;
elevator: elevador. When I enter the elevator, I look straight at the door and pretend I'm the only person inside;
to stare straight ahead: olhar para frente. If you're driving, it's important to stare straight ahead;
get up early: acordar cedo. My job makes me get up early every day and I hate it.
think ahead of time: pensar antecipadamente. I tend to improvise and never think ahead of time;
to shower: tomar banho. You stink. You need to shower;
switch things up: mudar as coisas, mudar a ordem das coisas. Everthing has been pretty much the same lately. We have to switch things up a little;
get bored: ficar entediado. I always get bored while watching my classes.

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