
sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2015

Como dizer aproveitador em Inglês? [expressões com a palavra FREE]

Suppose you have this friend you hang out with now and then. The problem is that every time you go to a restaurant for example he never contributes or pays appropriately. You've decided you're through with this because he's definitely a freeloader. That's basically what a freeloader does. He or she expects things to be handed to them free and never misses an opportunity to take advantage of something or someone. But today I have a few more expressions containing the word FREE. Freeloader is just the first of them.

Since we're talking about types of friends, let's describe another type: a free spirit. Do you know what that means? A free spirit is someone who doesn't worry about what other people think and is not limited by the usual rules of social behavior. I know some people that are free spirits and they really seem to know how to live a good life.

Now, let's go back to the first expression we've learnt today with the word free: a freeloader. I'm bringing it back because the expression we're about to learn has everything to do with it. The expression is "a free ride". So, I would say a freeloader expects to get a free ride in every opportunity. What does that mean? A free ride is an opportunity or advantage that someone gets without having done anything to deserve it. Pretty simple, isn't it? That's all for today. I hope that helps. Talk to you next time!

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