
segunda-feira, 29 de julho de 2019

O que significa pale in comparison?

The first time I came across the expression we are learning today I was listening to Amy Winehouse's You should be stronger than me. In the song Amy complains about a boyfriend who doesn't seem to act his age or live up to gender roles she expected him to adopt. She says "don't you know you're supposed to be the man? Not pale in comparison to who you think I am".

When something or someone pales in comparison to something/someone else, it means they seem less important, impressive, or otherwise deficient when compared. A second time I came across the same expression I was watching workin' moms, a Netflix original series. A mother is back at work after spending 9 months away on maternity leave and is now competing against her co-worker for a chance to go on a very important business trip. The one with the best numbers at the company will get the trip but she's afraid her career break might give her disadvantage with her recent numbers. She says to her boss something like: don't you think my recent numbers will pale in comparison to his?

Ok guys that's it. Talk to you next time!!!

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