
sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2019

O que significa o phrasal verb roll up?

Most of my readers are Brazilians, but in case you're a part of the exception there's something you need to know about most of us in Brazil: we are not very punctual. Last time I met up with a friend he decided to show up at the spot one hour late and still called me dramatic for complaining about the wait.

You see that I used the phrasal verb show up to refer to the act of arriving for an appointment or gathering. But there's a more specific phrasal verb in case you arrive LATE at a particular place or event: to roll up. So I could say after repeated calls to my friend, he finally rolled up.

I hope you start using that phrasal verb from now on, especially if you live in Brazil. I'm sure you will have many opportunities to put it in practice. That's all for now. Take care!

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