
domingo, 11 de setembro de 2016

O que significa a expressão "TO BOUNCE BACK"?

You don't have to be a basketball fan to know one of the main rules of the game: The player must bounce, or dribble, the ball with one hand while moving both feet. But this is not a place to learn about basketball. Instead, I want you to take a look at the verb I just used to describe the rule: to bounce. When you bounce something, like a ball in this specific case, you make it move quickly up, back or away from a surface after you've hit it. But what if you bounced back from an illness, what would that mean?

If you say you bounced back from an illness, that means you recovered from it, became healthy again. Sometimes you can simply say that you bounced back, as an intransitive verb, and people will understand you've got over some illness. You can basically bounce back from a lot of other negative things too, like a disability or defeat. Things can also bounce back from a defeat and return to a good condition. For example, your company has faced a huge financial crises for many years but after many struggles it finally bounces back from it. It finally returns to a good condition. I hope that helps you, guys. Talk to you next time!

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