
domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

O que signfiica a expressão "TO TAKE DOWN A NOTCH"

-Do you remember that popular cheerleader from high school that made everybody's life hell?

-Yeah I do. Gosh I hated that girl.

-I just saw her on my way here and she seemed desolated. Life doesn't seem to be treating her very well. Somebody told me her husband left her for her best friend and she became very depressed.

-Yes, what goes around, comes around. Soon or later somebody would eventually take her down a notch.

-Come on, don't say that! I know she was mean, but maybe she's changed. And nobody deserves such a thing!

TO TAKE DOWN A NOTCH: to deflate or humble someone. You can also use it as an expression such as: take it down a notch! meaning to say "hey you, act less arrogantly". A variation for that expression would be "to take down a notch OR TWO".

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