1. Can
habilidade: She can speak French very well.
capacidade: We can see the lake from our bedroom.
possibilidade: It can happen to anyone.
permissão informal: can I go with you?
pedido informal: can you help me?
2. Could
habilidade: He could swim when he was a child.
capacidade: I could see that she was nervous.
possibilidade: it could be better.
permissão formal: Could I borrow your other car when I'm in town?
pedido formal: Could you answer me this question?
3. May
permissão: may I help you?
possibilidade: she may know the answer.
ações e acontecimentos possíveis no futuro e no presente: they may visit their parents on Friday.
4. Might
possibilidade mais remota: she might not be interested.
ações e acontecimentos possíveis no futuro e no presente: Peter might call me later.
5. Must
obrigação: The doctor said you must stop smoking.
dedução: he must be at home now.
proibição (quando usado na negativa): you must not shoot this place.
6. Should
conselho: you should carry some cash, but not much.
obrigação; everybody should wear car seat belt.
dever; what should we do?
probabilidade: she should be back tomorrow.
lembrança de um dever no presente ou no futuro: I should wuite to my friend who's living in Chile.
obs.: OUGHT TO é a versão mais formal de should. Os usos são os mesmos, entretanto.
7. Will
ações futuras: will all the family be in the wedding?
obs.: SHALL é a versão mais formal de will. Os usos são os mesmos, entretanto.
8. Would
tom polido às perguntas: wouldd you pass me the salt, please?
ação habitual no passado: wehn I was a child, I would go to the beach every summer.
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