
domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

Collocations com a palavra BLAME

Abaixo você encontrará um texto falando sobre culpa (blame). Dê atenção especialmente às palavras que combinam com essa palavra em negrito. Elas são o que chamamos de collocations: palavras que simplesmente combinam com outras, neste caso BLAME.

When in trouble, some people have a hard time shouldering the blame. I think it's part of human nature to try to avoid blame or even put blame on someone else.
You just have to take a look at how children behave in trouble. It's very unusual to see a child taking full blame for something wrong they've done. When they don't try to make the blame fall on someone else, the best they can do is share the blame.
But as I said before, that does not only apply with children. A perfect place for you to see adults laying the blame at someone's door is in court. There is where people gather in favor of a common goal: apportion blame.
If you've commited a crime and can prove innocence, they may absolve you from blame. On the other hand, if you can't, blame will probably rest on you. Depending on which crime you've commited, your lawyer may advise you to either bear the blame or keep lying.

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