
sábado, 6 de julho de 2013

2 maneiras de dizer o verbo persuadir em Inglês

If you're trying to get someone to do something or to think the way is more convenient to you, you're doing nothing but persuade. You can call yourself persuasive if you have the power to persuade people, get your own way. If you're the victim here, you must have been through the experience of dealing with someone very persuasive in your relationships. They sometimes lie to you, but turn things around by making you believe they didn't really do anything wrong. In English, you can simply say that someone persuades you, but there are more specific ways of saying the same thing depending on the situation. So let's move right into it.

Sometimes you can find yourself in the middle of a discussion, and you're very desperate to prove your point of view right. If you have the ability of persuading people, you can talk them around to your point of view. That's very common among influential people. Their point of view may not always be the best, but by their power of persuasion, they make it look like it is. The same way, suppose you get into some sort of problem and now you have nobody but yourself to get out of it. You can then talk your way out of the problem. In other words, you can use the power of your words to convince people you're innocent or maybe even a victim. That way, you can escape from being punished. Children are pros at doing that.

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