
domingo, 3 de dezembro de 2017

Get up to speed: voce já ouviu falar dessa expressão?

I was having issues with my internet provider a few days ago. It was very annoying because every time I thought things were up to speed I got disconnected and had to call the technical call center again. They always made me follow through several standard step-by-step instructions before scheduling a technician to perform a thorough evaluation. Two of those came over and brought the connection up to speed, but sometimes all they had to do was step out of the house before another disconnection. 

When you say something is up to speed, it means it is at its highest level of efficiency. The same way if you bring something up to speed, it means you caused it to be working at its highest level of efficiency.

But what you may not know is that people can be up to speed too, but this time in a whole different meaning. In order to explain that, I am going to need you to picture yourself as a journalist now. And as any other good journalist, one of your best traits is to have all the latest information about what is going on in the world. It seems like a lot to handle, but that is your job and you do it with absolute precision. During one of these job interviews, the interviewer asks you a very typical question: What are your greatest qualities?" and one of your answers is that you get up to speed on things pretty quickly.

When you get up to speed, it means that you reached the point where you have all the latest information about something. And as a journalist, you have to get up to speed on politics, fashion, entertainment, sports, etc. When people read what you write, what you are doing is also bringing them up to speed.

That is all for now. Talk to you next time!

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