
sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014

O que significa a pergunta "what you make of this?"

Imagine you're talking to your boyfriend about the situation in your relationship you both are stuck with. It doesn't go left nor right. So you both sit down and you start talking nonstop as if there was no one else in the room to add something to the conversation. After minutes that felt like hours of you talking about your feelings, you ask your boyfriend: what you make of this? And he's paralyzed without anything in mind to say.

When you ask "what you make of this" after speaking for a while about something, you're expecting the other person to bring some comments on what you've been talking about. It's a way of asking for opinions, for questions, anything that keeps the dialogue going. Many people ask that while gossiping. After talking evil of a neighbor, for example, the gossiping person might wanna ask you for opinions, so she says: what you make of this? What you make of everything I just said? That's it for today guys. Take care!

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