
segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014

to make common cause: o que isso significa?

Something new happened this year in Brazil. Thousands of people went out on the streets to protest over rise in transportation fares. Until recently, we thought that as citizens we would never really have the guts to make common cause against the government and spark such huge and at times violent protests around most parts of Brazil. But we did. We engaged in many protests and fought our battle in all corners of the country. But what about you? Did you make common cause with your friends or people from your community and took part in that historical moment?

I don't know if you've noticed it, but up to this point, I've said the expression of the day twice: to make common cause. When you make common cause with someone or many people, you work together to achieve something. It happens all the time and in many different situations. When people make common cause, they're usually very unhappy about something or someone and want to change them. In the case of Brazil, there's a lot of reasons for people to be angry at how things are going in this country. The rise in transportation fares was maybe the last straw or the starting point for that rebellion. Above all, that was a good way to show the world and especially ourselves that we people have the power to demand our rights.

Now tell me about you. Have you ever made common cause with your classmates against something wrong in your school? Or maybe in your own house, neighborhood? Tell us your stories in the comment section!

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